
a workflow inSided story

Who I am?

FrontEnd Developer ~ at inSided

Passioned Developer ~ in Life

OpenSource Contributor ~ in Free Time

This is not a talk about:

Web Font Icons

and Why you should start to use it!

(if you don't yet)

But how to generate Web Fonts?

A bit of comparison:

...A bit of inSided Workflow...

...A bit more in depth...

So I made a tool FontFabrique

actually, I am still working on it. :-P

... And I ask around to gather inspiration in how to build it...

I went to the designer, and I asked about using git...

... and I started to look for alternatives ...

versioning with UI and OS integration?

Oh wait... already exist, Why not Dropbox?

So I went to the Programmer.

and when I tell to use Dropbox in production:

No Serious? Why All this?

"Small problems in big scale, are not so small"

"Boyscouting, is continous improving" ~ an inSided Core Value

And I think:

"Automated Tools, without additional ui/cli, have no learning curve"

 :  =  : 

but for practical people:


The Developer is happy, he can use his favorite version tool, without any price in setup.

if( env === 'production'){
  <link href="<% font_url %>/myFontProject/10/icon.css" rel="stylesheet" />
}else if( env === 'staging' ) {
  <link href="<% font_url %>/myFontProject/11/icon.css" rel="stylesheet" /
} else {
  <link href="<% font_url %>/myFontProject/latest/icon.css" rel="stylesheet" /

And the Designer is happy too:

Not needed to:
  • Learn, an additional tool
  • Send icons to each developer
  • ... or add them to a ticket


We split the responsibility and as a result we increase the speed and the quality

What next?

Implementing, deliver documentation and naming rule.

and add some features...


Let's keep in touch!

@ideabile -
